Look at what i've found! O_O
Yes, THREE NOS Westinghouse AGRO-LITE lamps! Well, I actually found four, but one broke. I was putting them back in the box they were in and one of the plastic end caps blew right off. O_O So it went in the dumpster with a bunch of other AGRO-LITE lamps that were already smashed. My grandpa scraps and "junks" (cleans out people's garages and sheds for money). I was with him yesterday at a garage in Medon, Mass when we were "junking" and I came across a long box that said "GLASS Handle with Care". The shipping stamp said April 1975, so these are over 37 years old. I also found that little booklet on using grow lights and such. I also found a Besam automatic door decal under a foot of wet, decaying ceiling tiles that fell over the years.