Yes,they are rare here,especially here on the West Coast,but there are OVX used in Ontario.I would like to also get a unpainted OVX from Niall when he comes across one.
Yeah Cooper and AEL offer their lights unpainted too. I guess unpainted fixtures don't bug me as much, but I'd wish they'd at least put a protective clearcoat on the aluminum. At least that would giev the fixture a more professional look versus just bare unfinished aluminum.
Some Cities here in Ontario don't use the OVX at all while in some other cities OVXs are as common as gulls. The bare version is the most commonly used finish here.
I should say,the OVX is extremely rare here,B.C. Hydro our utility doesn't use them,and I have not come across any used by the cities either. I only know of two used in a parking lot.
Not rare here at all.......although the use of them in new installations and replacement has gone down....seems OVH and AE Model 325s are used a LOT more...even more on the AE....but once in a while I see a new OVX (or perhaps refurbished) put up.
OVX are common around here, as the OVX in this picture was FROM here. xD The road I got this OVX from (with permission of course) was filled with OVX's, they were found everywhere. But overall they are found here and there, but the new design OVX is one light I have NOT seen here yet though,
None that I know of, same with the OVH, Even OVZ even though the OVZ is very rare in this area. I know of a few new-hinge OVF's here though, those are the only new-hinge coopers I know.
Darren, when you get the chance, could you post a couple pictures of the PC receptacle hole in the top housing (with the PC socket removed to show the size of the holes and where exactly they're located). Thanks.