Cool pic! The ones on the street are L-M Ovalites. The clamshells in the parking lot are Westinghouse HMA-60. Not sure who made the Alzak style floodlights in the car dealership but they are neat! I'm not sure of the light source on these. The absence of paint can ballasts on the poles makes me incline to think they were incandescent, but there's still a chance they were mercs, with the ballasts placed down in the pole bases or pullboxes.
Yeah, until like the mid 90s or so the downtown gumballs were all multiple incandescent. They were replaced with Cooper URB gumballs which originally sported 3000K MH lamps. Most still do but I've been noticing 4000K lamps used during spot relamps.
I still see some of those Alzak floodlights around Toronto too, unfortunately it seems most don't work anymore. I wonder which stretch of Danforth is this though, my guess is the very eastern part since I don't see any streetcar lines or tracks. Danforth used to have a streetcar line running to Vic Park before the subway was built.
Incandescent was used very frequently back then. Gumballs in T.O were incandescent way back. Now they are MH
I still see some of those Alzak floodlights around Toronto too, unfortunately it seems most don't work anymore. I wonder which stretch of Danforth is this though, my guess is the very eastern part since I don't see any streetcar lines or tracks. Danforth used to have a streetcar line running to Vic Park before the subway was built.