1940s Preheat Troffer
Found this 1940s preheat troffer at the same train station I found this guy in. Until recently, these troffers were all working so I thunk they might be planning to remove these during renovations. These used to have a neat looking V shaped louver which was unlike any other louvered troffer I've seen.
Note the huge GE Tulamp ballast. It's around the size as a modern VHO ballast. It was built with heavier windings as this is a 25/60Hz ballast, and is very rare nowadays. To change the frequency you have to rotate the screw switch which I guess changed a internal tap on the ballast. Westinghouse also made a dual frequency ballast but theirs had a jumper that you plugged in to change frequencies. Back in the 1940s 25/60Hz ballasts were used as parts of Southern Ontario still used 25Hz power until the late 1940s when everything was standardized to 60Hz.
Also note the old style Marrette connectors. Those predate modern wirenuts. Instead of screwing on o the wires like a wirenut, the plastic cap on these screws on to a copper lug which tightened to the wires beforehand with a set screw.
Those Marette connectors are still made, they're a bit more expensive but worth it on temporary setups.