That was probably stuck on by someone later one since the B2255 usually had green NEMA tags. The B2255's refractor has a deeper and bigger footprint than the GE.
Sweet! I've always been thinking of opening a streetlight refurbishing shop for comunity-owned lights. Rhode island's lights are all owned by the electric co, and National Grid is a huge corpaeration, so I doubt I'd be refurbishing lights in RI. Possible Southeastern Mass, since Joe told me they comunities there bought N-Grid's lights since they were sick of paying those rediculous and outrageous fees NGrid charges to maintain street lights. It costs almost $50 for NGrid to serivice ONE streetlight!! Add the monthly fee, installation cost, power cumsumption, and each streetlight will cost around $700 dollars a per 5 years! Plus, Cranston has 10,000 lights.
Here it costs the city just as much, they need to pay for the electricity and pay a contractor to service the lights, plus the 10 city employees they pay to plan and manage the street lights.
Installing a new fixture where one never was is a $150 dollar flat fee. That's NOT including labor fees, power comsumption, or rental fees. To "red cap" a street light (to put in an open cap) is $75 per light. The same price to uncap a light. $50 to go up and down the pole (in a bucket truck, mind you) and $25 for the PC/ open cap. That's crazy!!!!
BTW.. It seems the B2255 might have the same refractor footprint as the GE M-400's. It looks about the same size, and the same shape.