CGE F40 Turret Industrial
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Almost missed this bad boy at the Restore today. It was sitting up on a shelf and I only noticed it because of the starter sticking out.
The fixture didn't come with lamps, so I stuck in a pair of Durotest F40T10s for the pics. When I install this light, I'll put the Sylvania CWP T12s in.
Starters are a mix of newer replacements so I might go out and buy a pair of matching metal cased starters. Ballast is fairly old GE tulamp ballast. Pretty big one too, it's the same length as a F40 RS ballast but it has the same cross section as a HO ballast.
I didn't know GE was into fluorescent fixtures (or maybe only CGE was?). I thought they only made ballasts and lamps. Well I didn't know Sylvania made their own fixtures either but they did...
Yeah, I was pretty shocked to see a preheat turret just lying around on the shelf. The reflector is pretty sturdy porcelain enamel and it held up pretty well over the years.
Ahh, I know CGE had a pretty wide selection of fluorescent fixtures back in the day. I know that Westy and Sylvania made their own fixtures too. Since almost every component on the light is made by GE. I suppose I should replace the Sylvanias with a pair of GEs lol. Maybe even a pair of vintage GE watch dog starters.
Thanks, and yeah CGE made some solid stuff back in the day. I believe the stopped using the CGE name back in the early 90s. I believe they're now known as GE Canada instead.
I'm not sure about the cobreheads but I know the CGE signals initally used the standard meatball but the 1980s signals had this CGE logo on the back.
I've yet to see anything with this CGE logo though.
Basically the meatball but with CGE inside instead of GE.