Vintage GE FC8T9/CW Circline Lamp - Missing Part of Connector
Here is a silly circline fluorescent lamp that I found at a thrift store a few weeks ago. It is a brand new 1980s-style GE FC8T9 circline (complete with the lovely package featuring Circlites and an amazing font used for "cool white"), except that the top part of the plastic G10q connector is missing somehow. It is just gone without a trace, no snapped plastic or anything. This makes me wonder if it was like this from the factory. I bet someone bought this to replace their circline lamp, only to discover the issue when they go to install it and buy another one, leaving this one to collect dust in their garage and eventually be donated to the thrift store some 40 years later.
The crazy thing is, this lamp STILL WORKS! If you look past the easy shock hazard of the exposed wires, this is still a perfectly usable and working circline lamp. I think this is such a cool novelty, a circline lamp that allows you to see the normally concealed innards of the connector, while still working perfectly fine. This is a very typical circline lamp otherwise. It is halophosphate cool white, 22 watts with an 8-inch diameter, and designed for rapid-start operation. This lamp was manufactured in June 1981.