Norelco HPS area light
This is my Norelco 150watt High Pressure Sodium area light. I got this at a local restore for 50% off!!! I could not pass it up! The fixture sees all over it that it takes 150watt HPS bulbs but when I looked at what the ballast said 175watt Mercury Vapor. So the bulb is a HPS bulb that is made to run on a MV ballast! Every thing works and is new! On the bulbs box is sees Norelco LU150-H High Pressure Sodium Lamp Made in U.S.A. The PC is a Fisher Pierce Model 6660N 105-130 V.A.C. This is the best thing I have found at a restore and that it is new!!!
@ GullWhiz: Thanks, and that is the good thing about it!
All the Best