Starting to bug me!!!
The Paper Wasps keep coming back! This time they stayed all winter too!
I want to take down those Christmas lights but I'm kinda afraid of those little buzzing dudes!!!
I don't really want to use poison, but I may have to.
Any ideas??
I was thinking about using the garden hose from a distance but it might just make them angry!!!!
I wonder if there are wasp repellant. I am not really a bug killer myself....
Get one of those cans of was spray that shoots the long stream & spray away (at night) ... then the next day if all are dead, knock down the nest and burn it! (to finish off any remaining eggs/larva)
I had one nest last year that i couldn't spray due to its location (in a light above a fishpond) The solution there was to take a bugzapper, put a small jar of wasp/yellowjacket attractant in it, and hang it near where the nest was and leave it running during the day .. worked like a charm
Well I guess you could try getting a really long hose and spray them for far away then.
There's another kind of wasps that do their nest underground, those are extremely agressive! I had those last year and I got close from being stung just by getting too close to the nest!
So you can eliminate the wasps you have easily if you prepare a good plan before. I'd advise you to KEEP the paper nest though! Wasps will instinctively build a new nest a few hundred feet away from any unknown wasp nest!