Intelight ESB Signals
Here's one of the largest installs of Intelight ESB signals I know of. These control the only SPUI interchange in Ontario and replaced a bunch of 3Ms when they switched from incandescent to LED. If you look closely at the pic from 2005 you can see that they replaced the gantry with a more or less identical one.
These are optically programmable signals that achieve a similar end result as the 3M but relies on a programmable array of LEDs instead of masking an optical limiter lens to control the light beam. Note that only the two diagonal arrows are visible.
there's a sorta similar intersection here.
There's also 13 of these at this intersection too (one is on the left outisde of the frame).
I know Toronto didn't want to spend money on these programmable heads so they have odd looking 3M combo head in use and even some of those ancient 3M 8" adapters in use too. They also have some tunnel visors and louvers too.
Here are some specs on the signal, the materials used and its features
General advertisement on pages 1 and 2, specs begin on page 3 through 10
Interesting that it uses modified versions of Android and Linux as their base firmware too, I'm guessing most controllers would have custom firmware.
Intelight's proprietary software for X2 is Max Time. But its android driven so it can run any app installed. One went to a trade show with Angry Birds installed.