One of the Most Incandescent Looking LEDs
During the past few months, my city has been replacing the old Dialight extended view LEDs originally install in 2002-2003 to these new incandescent look LEDs which to me looks the most like incandescent. Tthe 12" red module look like a recent Dialight while the amber and green 8" modules are from EOI.
During this time they also replaced the old aluminium backboards with these new plastic ones which have a reflective border (not sure why they didn't stick reflective tape on the old backboards) and changed out the old bimodal LED left turn arrows to new incandescent look LED bimodal arrows. Some of the remaining aluminium Fortran/CGE heads were also replaced at this time along with some of the old double guy signal arms. :/
However, only the 8" modules installed look really like incandescent. The 12" modules they've been using still looks like LED.
Anyway I think they're super bright like the other LED greens.
IIRC, there's also a set of incandescent signals left in Square One's parking lot.