Another Maryland Style traffic light setup.
One of the newer traffic light setup in MD.....since roughly around 1997....MD began installing traffic lights with black visors and doors with yellow back instead of all yellow like in older setups.....
The truss arm on the traffic light pole is one of the current designs we get installed....yes it is sure one odd truss arm!
The truss arm you see on wooden pole...the 20 foot, until about a year ago, it had a GE M-400A1 merc 400 watt I believe. but due to Howard County requesting some HPS upgrades....now it is a GE M-400A3 with 250 watt HPS.
See a bronze pole in the background...at inersection...it has a GE bronze GE M-400A2 with 250 watt HPS....those first began being installed in the early 80s or so until around the mid 90s I believe. I have seen some of those poles with GE M-400A1 with mercs plus some OVS and OVMs with mercs also.