Stem Mounted Wraparounds
Some of the original classrooms at my school still have the original ceiling and pendant stems. The pendant stems originally used to hold two lamp tandem louvered fixtures. I believe they were removed and replaced with the current wraparounds when the school went from T12 to T8. Anyway these are the same fixtures used in Mike's school but these have one lamp per 4' section instead of two. Thought it'd be interesting to show these mounting using a vintage style mount.
They're pretty neat fixtures but I wish they kept one room with louvers so I could how they looked back in the day. The remaining louvers got moved to the service hallways.
Kinda more a fan of the classic continuous row setup on pendant stems although I've seen new LED installs like that so maybe continuous row lighting is becoming more popular again. One of the Best Buys renovated over the summer and replaced all the 320W PSMH highbays with continuous row LED.
I agree with you on the downrods too, finished areas don't look right with fixtures suspended on chains or cables. I don't mind chains or cables in unfinished areas though.