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T5 F8 2 lamp undercabinet fluorescent lights in my kitchen
My kitchen has five of these T5 F8 2 lamp under cabinet lighting, they all have 4100k T5 F8 fluorescent tubes, which theres two of them, in each fixture. Theres also a switch on them, to individually to turn off, while others are on. I don't know the brand though.
Keywords: Indoor_Fixtures

T5 F8 2 lamp undercabinet fluorescent lights in my kitchen

My kitchen has five of these T5 F8 2 lamp under cabinet lighting, they all have 4100k T5 F8 fluorescent tubes, which theres two of them, in each fixture. Theres also a switch on them, to individually to turn off, while others are on. I don't know the brand though.

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File information
Album name:lightingfan8902 / Indoor Fixtures
Wattage:8W tubes with 2 lamps each make 16W
Lamp Type:fluorescent
Filesize:316 KiB
Date added:Jan 13, 2018
Dimensions:3000 x 1687 pixels
Displayed:89 times
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