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Ocala, FL ReStore Lighting #14
Here are some fluorescent light fixtures spotted at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Marion County, Ocala, FL. These were in a garage-like back room. These strip lights appeared to be 8ft tandem fixtures, using four F32T8 lamps each. All lamps were 3500K. Two strip lights were out, all four lamps in each, so likely two bad four-lamp ballasts. Can't say I'm surprised.
Keywords: restore strip wraparound light fixtures t8 fluorescent electronic 8ft tandem f32t8 3500k lighting indoor_fixtures

Ocala, FL ReStore Lighting #14

Here are some fluorescent light fixtures spotted at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Marion County, Ocala, FL. These were in a garage-like back room. These strip lights appeared to be 8ft tandem fixtures, using four F32T8 lamps each. All lamps were 3500K. Two strip lights were out, all four lamps in each, so likely two bad four-lamp ballasts. Can't say I'm surprised.

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File information
Album name:rapidstart_12 / Indoor Fixtures
Keywords:restore / strip / wraparound / light / fixtures / t8 / fluorescent / electronic / 8ft / tandem / f32t8 / 3500k / lighting / indoor_fixtures
Company and Date Manufactured:Unknown/Unkown
Model Number:Unknown
Lamp Type:Fluorescent
Filesize:2553 KiB
Date added:Jul 18, 2023
Dimensions:2000 x 1500 pixels
Displayed:27 times
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