An Israeli member of LG that i have contacts with him, called these M400A2 in this area "Lighting bombs" because he saying that they are very glary when viewed at 45deg during driving.
Jace, he said me that there is an angle that the entrie surface of the glass bowl of the M400A2s, looks to him like a huge lighting bombs, and that they are superglaring him when viewed at an angle of 45 degrees.
I know what you're talking about dor123. That happens to my M-400, an older generation of the M-400A2. It's actually the reflector shineing the light off itself and through the glass.
The lamps in these fixture are tubular clear T shaped european HPS lamps. When installing a tubular clear lamp inside a reflector for elliptical coated lamps, the beam is narrow and intense (Usually if the finish of the bowl is clear, but may also apply to the bowls of the GE M400A2). Probably this is one reason for this.
Also, the Israel member of LG thinks that these have 400W HPS lamps, so for this road (Which 150W HPS lanterns are sufficient), they are for sure lighting bombs.
Also, the Israel member of LG thinks that these have 400W HPS lamps, so for this road (Which 150W HPS lanterns are sufficient), they are for sure lighting bombs.