Sylvania GTE high bay fixture head.
Got this at the recycling centre a couple of weeks back. I went just in time to save it, but wasn't fast enough for the reflector assembly, a scrap metal picker took it seconds before me, aargh! He also took a box full of magnetic ballasts, ARGH! But since those came from a school in the area, they were likely 347V, so it's not a big deal...
Anyway.. back to the high bay LOL. It originally had a Sola Canada 400W Metal Halide CWI ballast. Since it was 347V, I couldn't even have used it anyways. But the ballast was litterally burnt! The primary coil simply melted, while the secondary hadn't suffered as much damage, but still enough to give the varnish a nice black colour. One side cover has permanent soot marks LOL. The socket still looks good, so I wired directly to 120V so I'll use the fixture with mogul based incandescents.
I gutted everything inside the fixture, except the ballast bracket. Strangely the ballast had a replacement cap and the original cap had been left in the fixture, interesting! I figured out the original 19,5uF cap had been replaced by a 24uF cap, which could explain the ballast's catastrophic failure. A higher value cap would technically increase the current inside the ballast, in return the coils run at higher temperature.
Speaking of high bays, one high bay has recently been replaced at school, an Appleton BayMaster C model. If it's still in the workshop Monday, I'll ask for it!
Pics of the fixture will come tonight!