If the california green is that puke green color i see why he painted it differently. I like the forest grenn color of my PEEK light. It's all scratched thoguh so I will be painting is sometime. What kind of paint should I use? And if I can't match the old color would you sudgest going black or yellow?
It wasn't "puke color" it was sun faded olive green. It was in nice shape but I like the gloss black better. For the Peek I'd paint it gloss black. Peek/Crouse R's look good in black. Or Caterpillar Yellow.
Yep. I call that puke green. I've never liked light shades of green. I only like darker greens. Where would I get the paint you got? The PEEK's paint isn't faded, but it's bubbled and scratched up. It's startign to chip off where the scratches are too.
Your Peek was made in Mexico. Peek, Econolite, and McCain all have the signals made in Mexico with cheapened materials. The powdercoating doesnt last on them. I got my paint at Advanced Auto Parts
Do you know the approxamite date of the PEEK fixture? It's from before 2008, as that's when I got it. It probably isn't too old as the paint isn't faded at all. It was removed from service in 2006-2007 and i bought it in 2008.
I haven't dealt with Fortran as its a Canadian company, made for Canada municipalities. But from what I hear they seem to be good. Eagle, Econolite, and Peek are the top 3 in the states
According to the Fortran website they sell across North America, they even have the logos of many American organizations and I have seen pictures of them in the states. Anyway my Fortran signal seems to be very good quality, particularly for a poly one.
The ones in the states might be Crouse-Hinds, Chapel Hill, TCT, or Peek heads, they have very similar housings compared to the Fortran heads. (Well except for the logo and the fact that some of those listed are actually metal.)
Hmm I thought they discontinued the aluminium line, I know the old aluminium heads used the same molds as the later CGE heads since they bought CGE's signal division.
Other than personal collections, Fortran equipment is not used here in mainstream signal control. Fortran has partners in US agencies and companies but no municipality uses Fortran specifically in the states. Joe is right on the similar housings to the Peek "family" and offshoot companies like Chapel Hill
Just painted it carefully and well. Like I did my other signals I repainted. This one had a quick washdown, and sanded out some minor dings. 2 coats of enamel directly on. No primer as this was a quick job. Turned out great
theres a lens in front of the circuit board containing all the individual LEDs. The lens is sealed to the LED fixture so you cant get in it without breaking in. But theres no reason to anyway. LEDs are a uniform beam so they dont spread out into the other symbol when let orange or white, other than the small part that overlaps each
Here's a picture of the model I have with the lens off of it exposing the guts
Here's a picture of the model I have with the lens off of it exposing the guts