I just printed a few of these for myself too . Hey Mike can you upload a few mercury vapor and high pressure sodium tags? Like 10MV, 17MV, 40MV, and 5HPS, 7HPS, and 20HPS?
Ryan, If you'd like, I will email you 100W MV, 175W MV, 400W MV, 50W HPS, 70W HPS, 200W HPS. Any others you want? I can also make the narrow font GE tags AEL tags, and 1980s style GE.
Sure. All I have to do is change the numbers. The single digit tags might be a little tricky since I only have a two-digit one to work off of and the single digit ones are a little different. It will be an electronic copy and you can print your own and put shipping tape (clear tape) over them to laminate them and use them for whatever lol.
Make electronic versions like this? Sure if you want. Let me know what you would like and I'll see what I can do you you. I have the whole Cooper series (well MV, MH, and HPS, no PSMH) I can also make them in cool old looking fonts. I make them on Publisher.
Hey Mike can you make a 100Watt Pulse Start Metal Halide (I don't know if your PSMH stands for pulse or probe start) NEMA tag
BTW My name is Peter
Speaking of Pulse Start Metal Halide, I have a 250w PSMH ballast, am I able to disconnect the ignitor and use it like a probe start? I'm not sure how that all works, but I wanted to clarify on that.
@ Peter, do you have am email I can send it to rather than upload it here? Does it have to be a certain brand (AEL, Cooper, GE) or can it be generic?
@ Ian, I believe you can but I personally wouldn't recommend it. Do you have a Kill-A-Watt meter? You could probably figure it out that way. I think you can but I don't know.
BTW My name is Peter
@ Ian, I believe you can but I personally wouldn't recommend it. Do you have a Kill-A-Watt meter? You could probably figure it out that way. I think you can but I don't know.