Here's a couple of Form 400 PowerPacks and gumballs guarding this old factory driveway. There's some more gumballs and a lone GE M-400A in the parking lot too. (not pictured)
Fully cast powerpacks? Never seen such a thing! (although I've never seen a regular powrpack in person either). I've seen at least 6 OV-10IB still around here plus the one i own. I saw three on a pole in southeastern mass hovering over a grassy field about 10 feet off the ground. The other 3 were on utility poles; two being on Rte 116 and the last one down in Richmond, RI.
Yeah, so far all of the Form 400 Powerpacks I seen are cast so I guess the Canadian versions were cast. I've yet to see other Powerpack like fixtures though.