Generic Chinese 12v-60v LED retrofit lamp
Here we have something someone gave to me today. It's a generic Chinese LED retrofit lamp which is apparently for 12v-60vDC systems. (Well, it worked fine on the 32vDC we tried it on on their boat). The light color is less than ideal for home environments and I could live with that normally but this is pretty dim. If I had 12v lights in my off-grid house (I don't; I just run 120v bulbs on an inverter) I would use this as a nightlight though as I could leave it on all the time on my batteries.
There are absolutely so specs marked in the chart but I was told it was for 12v-60v operation. (The person who gave me this has a bunch of them and, as they put it to me, "I use them where I don't have to be or if I don't have another bulb, then leave it there till I can't stand it any longer". It's rather directional and the light output is a gloomy purple-blue-white that makes wood, etc. look awful. But if it actually doesn't draw much power I could live with that in certain applications. Like I said, if I had 12v lights in my (off-grid) house I'd use this as a nightlight in the bathroom or something, running 24/7.