Powerlite B2213s!
These where at a salvage yard, they are for sale but you have to buy four fixtures the quad mount and 35 foot pole! I will try to convince this place these lights aren't going to sell (they have been here for more then a year) I really did want to buy one though, and yes these fixtures are really four feet long! so is the quad mount, it is about 4X4 feet! About half the lights are missing the refractor though. I am determined to eventually get one of these fixtures from somewhere, and a B2215 and B2217 (I know where I can get a B2217) This place also has a bunch of R47s for sale and a few floodlights.
See if you can get them...one of the pole has a missing light anyways. Though if you can't there's four MV B2213s left at a demolished rest stop on the 400 in Barrie. Those will be coming down very soon though.