Don't have a planned use for it right now, but simply could not pass it up for free .. garage ceiling would be a good place if for no other reason than storage LOL ..
If it'll run a MV lamp thats good to know
I do have a new MH one on order...
Yes, this is a probe start MH fixture so mercury vapor lamps of the same wattage will run fine. BTW, if i were you I'd run nothing but a protected lamp in that fixture, as it's open. Or course with mercs you need not worry about the lamp rupturing as long as the lamp doesn't come in contact with water while it's on. That'll crack the outer glass due to the thermal shock. A open-rated lamp has a shroud around the arc tube so in the event of an arctube rupture, it will keep the outer glass from being shattered. That's a double plus if you think about it. It keeps hot glass particals from falling (preventing a mess and possibility of burns) and also keep all the arc tube's gases from leaking out.
Not sure what type the lamp I ordered was - didn't say if it was protected or not (so I'm assuming it isn't)
There is actually a glass cover on the fixture, which doesn't show in the that atleast gives a level of protection
yeah if it was an open rated/protected lamp the lamp code would end in "/O". As long as there's some sort of cover you won't have to worry about it but it's always in the back of my head...
most lamps are unprotected, however this is only really an issue when lamps are run horizontal like here...the arc bows upwards, and you could make a glass shield, but unless the arc-tube is blackened then there isn't much to worry about..most fail passively by not lighting up anymore (unless you take an NST to it!
If it'll run a MV lamp thats good to know
I do have a new MH one on order...
There is actually a glass cover on the fixture, which doesn't show in the that atleast gives a level of protection