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Closeup of ballast and wiring of M-250 R2.
Here is a closeup of that ballast that Alain sent me. Works great!

Thanks Alain! The lamp starts very dim but it gets to full brightness.

Anyway about the wiring:

This really can't be wired without wirenuts. Just how the ballast is. But it doesn't really matter as some fixtures come with wirenuts.

I hope it doesn't look two messy.  It was hard to mount the terminal board. Lots of screw holes are stripped.
Keywords: American_Streetlights

Closeup of ballast and wiring of M-250 R2.

Here is a closeup of that ballast that Alain sent me. Works great!

Thanks Alain! The lamp starts very dim but it gets to full brightness.

Anyway about the wiring:

This really can't be wired without wirenuts. Just how the ballast is. But it doesn't really matter as some fixtures come with wirenuts.

I hope it doesn't look two messy. It was hard to mount the terminal board. Lots of screw holes are stripped.

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File information
Album name:Lil'Cinnamon / My Lights
Company and Date Manufactured:General Electric
Model Number:M-250 R2
Wattage:70 watts
Lamp Type:High Pressure Sodium
Filesize:195 KiB
Date added:Nov 18, 2011
Dimensions:1000 x 750 pixels
Displayed:55 times
Color Space:sRGB
DateTime Original:2011:11:18 02:04:06
Exposure Bias:0 EV
Exposure Mode:0
Exposure Program:Program
Exposure Time:1/30 sec
Flash:Compulsory Flash
Focal length:7.9 mm
Light Source:Unknown: 0
Max Aperture:f/3.2
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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LilCinnamon   [Nov 21, 2011 at 07:46 AM]
How does this look? I tried to keep it the neatest I could.
streetlight98   [Nov 21, 2011 at 09:50 PM]
Looks good. i have a habbit of cutting the extra taps off and just leaving the 120v tap to make it neater, but it's better to keep the taps jut in case...

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