Here is the Merangue deluxe counterfeit currency detector lit showing the UV features in an older Canadian $20 bill,you can see the red/blue Bank OF Canada UV feature as well as the embedded fibers that glow.
Lol yeah the fibers look like confetti. I just tried a $1 US dollar bill and a $20 US dollar bill,nothing on the $1 US bill but the $20 has one stripe that glows yellow.
Hmm interesting! I'm a cashier at a grocery store and we check for the holograms on the $50's and $100's by holding them up to the light but we don't have black-lights or counterfeit bill pens. Most places use the pens, which remain clear on a real dollar but will turn purple on a fake.
Yeah all the recent Canadian bills have UV reactive parts on them. The newer plastic bills also have them. I also have the same Merangue currency detector, pretty well built built. I opened mine up and discovered mine is preheat with the two chokes in the top. The starters are glowbottles wired into a terminal strip though. I suppose you could harvest a glowbottle from a fluorescent starter if the original gets stuck.