Fairly Good Condition Thomas and Betts Luxmaster.
From a pole knockdown, I am surprised how good condition this stayed in. I didn't TAKE this light because of the incident from earlier... I would LIKE to take it but I know I could get in trouble for it...
The refractor door part was broken, it snapped in half and it looks like the reflector got de-attached from the housing.
The only thing I took was the photocell and lamp and gasket. Maybe the gasket on this will fit my OV-25. But the gasket was kind of thin...
This was found on the side of C-470, A loop freeway around the Denver metro area, (State Highway) and C-470 has LOTS of these Luxmaster fixtures. And lots of shoeboxes. I dunno why they used shoeboxes to light the freeway. But lots of those shoeboxes have been replaced with Cobraheads (even on the old poles that USED to carry a shoebox) and lots of other lights are just upsweeps (weird upsweeps) with either a 125 or M-400 R3 on it. Those were replacements after knockdowns like this light.