This is the oldest version of the M-250A2. This one has a flat top and flat front, then came the round top and flat front, and now GE makes the M-250A2 with both a rounded top and front. This is the style we have here. The ones here have lost most of their paint though which i find to be common with lights around here. We must have used a lot of salt on the roads back before the 90's. We use sand here now, but we used to use salt on all the roads which is why RI's roads are so bad. I'm agreeing with Tony that salt in the environmant might make the paint wear sooner...
I saw it and I agree $149 is a tad much. Especially since I'd end up taking out the ballast anyways. I'll try getting a couple of these near my house. i'm hoping I can get them and they're 120v and working. They installed these here in the 80's strictly in 100w MV FCO. I've seen some with drop lenses put in though and I have seen one 175w MV one, but it was replaced with a 100w HPS M-250R2. NGrid only likes the 100w MV lights I guess. Most of the mercs on side streets around here are 100 watts anyways.