Cooper actually used the Electromark tag from the factory for a short while. I think cooper may pay Electromark to take their name off the tag because the current cooper NEMA tags look just like the Electromark ones.
No the so-called "L150 and L250" are actually Westinghouse design OV15 and OV25 (for the record, I will always designate these as either 4th generation Westinghouse or Crouse-Hinds OV15 and OV25 because that is the catalog designation). This is a Crouse-Hinds design because this was in production along with the Crouse-Hinds OVM and OVL. The Cooper version came out in the mid-1990s (around 1993 or 1994).
I don't know. But I did have a Crouse-Hinds catalog from that era and they did retain the Westinghouse model designations as they owned the production rights as well.
No, the catalog was from 1985 and I got the updated Crouse-Hinds catalog featuring the OVS, OVM, and OVL,which was printed in 1986. Besides, I had a box that a Niagara Mohawk crew gave me when they were relighting Cumberland Ave from Series Incandescent to 100 watt HPS and they were using Crouse-Hinds OV-15s. This was in 1985.