Newer RIDOT Traffic Signal Installation
This is what RIDOT's more recent traffic signal installations look like. Things that they've changed in the past few years are that their new signals all have black backboards with yellow reflective trim on them (before they were just black). Also, their visors have a little flare on them. I think that has to do with keeping snow from blocking the heat-less LED modules (incandescent lamps would melt the snow better) but I'm not sure how it works...
Also note that someone didn't do their homework when laying out this mast. Half the street sign for Reservoir Avenue is blocked behind the signals lol. The street signs would look much better installed directly onto the mast between the rightmost signal and the pole. As you can see, the street sign isn't even level! They did level the signals though (IMO that's the pole manufacturer's fault; they should have designed the arm to be level at the end. Looks stupid with such an upward angle at the end...)
You can also see a 70W LED AEL Autobahn ATBM mounted on a tapered elliptical arm next to the signal mast. (You can also see another one, 40W, installed behind the signal mast on a 6ft tapered arm.)
Here's a streetview shot showing the brand-new-at-the-time signal installation along with the older 250W HPS M-250R2 and 100W HPS M-250R2 .
They should just use yellow backboards like here in Ontario
Yeah, even here there are mounts of different angles for mast arms, our mast arms are thinner, aluminum and custom sized, likely bendable with a pipe bender on site. Because varying mast arm angles, our street signs used extension bars to mount a sign level. Recently we moved to an "astro bracket" style mount stuck to a sign that can tilt any angle to level.
Are those 70W autobahns any bright?
@ Zarlog: No, no backlit signs here. Before these reflective signs RIDOT used normal 9" street signs mounted to the poles.