U-Turn Signal
There's a few of these U-turn signals in Toronto, they're usually used if there's a separated streetcar right of way running down the median, note the 8-8-8 signals for the streetcars (one of which you can see stopped on the other side)...some of them have 8 inch green arrows. Unlike the ones in Jace's area the ones here use standard protected left turn signal heads (red and amber ball, green left arrow) instead of special U-turn arrows. Note the incandescent ambers too, a lot of signals in Toronto are like that except the 8-8-8s which are still completely incandescent.
Close up on the U-Turn signal:
The U-Turn signal activated:
Click to enlarge
Most protected/permissive lefts use bi-colour arrows, the arrows are in the bottom 4th section of the head. There's still some green arrow only and flashing green ball left turn signals left too.