Revere clamshells, mid 1950s generation
Here are some Revere clamshells (along with the OV-20s) in Fullerton, CA in a parking lot. I was there at night a few years ago and there was one clamshell still working, a very dim clear mercury lamp. Now it appears every single light has a dead lamp. I would love to get my hands on those lights, they are unique. The slipfitter is raised, like a Westinghouse HMA-60, and to touch things off the top of these lights have a raised spine which you can see from the front of the luminaire. I believe those are earlier Revere Endoval models, the ones that kinda look like squared Form 400s are believed to be the later model. Since the OV-20s are of the third generation model (4 bolt slipfitter, after 1954), it's safe to assume the Reveres are no older than the mid 50s.