GE Type F Electromechanical Controller and Modern NEMA Controller
Here's a old GE Type F electromechanical traffic signal controller that they left behind when they upgraded this intersection to a NEMA controller. There used to be quite a few of these GE Type F controllers in Toronto around 20 years ago but they were all removed in the early - mid '90s...Not sure why they left this one here though. Note the green paint wearing though the fading grey paint-the signal controllers in Toronto used to be green.
Here's a close up pic of the type F:
Click to enlarge
Back View of it
Another Scene View
Here's a Youtube video I found explaining the Type F controller
And yeah it's pretty cool to see this still on the streets especially next to a modern control cabinet.
The old Type F cabinet can be repurposed for other uses...splicing or interconnection so it may not be likely the mechanical unit is still in there
@Nick, Interesting, I believe this size of cabinet is the most commmon size in my area.
I've never actually seen a electro-mechanical signal controller still in use anywhere in Toronto, the first one I saw in use was in Montreal which still had a couple of them in 2014.