By Request: Preheat Aquarium Light From Dump
Hey Xmaslightguy, here's a photo of that fixture I was talking about. I've since cleaned it up a bit and put in different lamps (I wanted daylight and wanted to preserve the Sylvania/GTE F40/Design 50 it came with, and didn't like the F15T12 Kitchen & Bath's color). At least one starter is a really old Sylvania with the lightning-bolt-S logo.
Do you have a pic of the top side?
Speaking of math courses, I had to take a few of them too. Had to do Calculus I-III (differentials, integrals, differential eqs), Linear Algebra, and Statistics. What program are you in Andy? if you don't mind me asking.
Only reason I wanted to see the boring other side is to compare it to other aquarium lights. LOL
But hey, at least it's a GTE, right?