Bang! Crash! A roadkill right here!
Here's a Caltrans owned light pole at a surface street intersection with a freeway ramp right by CA 134 in Glendale. The fixture's slipfitter was still on the arm. The breakaway slip base was still attached to the 4 bolt pole base.
Mike, if the government intentionally designed poles to weed out the drivers that hit them, they would be
found liable for the deaths and injuries that resulted from that so to them a $9000 light pole is nothing compared to any lawsuits that would result because they used non breakaway pole.
"If we didn't have breakaway poles to protect bad drivers, there wouldn't be any bad drivers on the road hence the roads will be safer."
"What does the government care? The money they spend to pay for peoples' insurance, etc comes from taxpayers, not from their wallets"
Personally I am not very strict with you guys going off-topic, some admins on other forums (not necessarily talking about lighting forums) are WAY more severe! I absolutely have no problem with civilized debates. ^_^
It wasn't too long ago I had an accident, I crashed to a curb on the same day the hurricane came....Hurricane Irene....I was trying to make a curve turn but my car instead crashed to the curb instead of making a turn......the most dangerous times to drive is actually when the road is SLIGHTLY wet...not SOAKED!
Now if I hit a pole, I would be THANKFUL there was a breakaway base! Because if I did crash a pole without a breakway base....Good Bye Admin Jace....
Michael...you may understand better once you drive, because driving isn't exactly as easy as it sounds, sometimes you have to watch yourself to being careful...it can be easy to getting carried away while driving (I didn't think so before I drove).....When you drive...YOU WILL have an ACCIDENT......even the best drivers in the world have had accidents! What if you somehow got sick while driving and PASSED out, out of NOWHERE and suddenly your car heads to the pole? When you wake up, you will be THANKFUL that there was a breakway pole!!!!!
I know someone who died of a heart attack in the drivers seat.....gladly his car wasn't moving...although it was running! You COULD pass out in a drivers seat without a warning!!!