Moanin' PEPCO!
This arm has totally sagged from the storm, did the fixture lose the door from the storm? NOPE!
It actually lost a door from a car accident which hit the pole, and damaged the pole and lost the door. But they did a pole renewal like about a month or 2 ago. And well...I guess they did not do a good job re-tightening the guyline on the pole! In fact it was a bit closer to the A-frame compared to the others on the road......well they did fix it...but kinda a lousy job....they fixed it 3-4 days after.....but it still kind of sags lower than it used to be. but still was missing a door!
But until yesterday, I DISCOVERED it got a new door and a plastic GE refractor...with a black tape around it!!!
Okay what about the AE 115 a few poles away that is missing a door, a reflector, a lamp and a few other parts which is located a few poles away and just across my church??? It has not been fixed.....how ignorant! (FGS has a pic of that one I just mentioned!)
<UPDATE> FGS the crow has finally uploaded the pic of the fixture I mentioned.....see here