Stem Mounted Wraparound
Decided to stem mount my wraparound just to spice it up a bit. I used a 8" piece of rigid conduit and a round outdoor box cover to make the mount. Actual stem mounts are similar but those usually have swivel canopies instead of a rigid one. The wraparound is nothing special, just a plain old Lithonia residential wrap that I modded by installing a Motorola RS ballast on one side and a Sylvania IS ballast on the other side. The pull chain switches the Motorola RS ballast for some cheap dimming.
I have a fixture like this in my garage, it originally was in my kitchen. Came with a pair of June 1999 Philips 4100K "Home Light" lamps and MagneTek LPF RS ballast but it now has a different ballast (a Radionic; the MagneTek later died) and GE-made Ace 34w cool whites.
These are sure much nicer than those "basket" wraparounds!
The Motorola rapid start ballast is a single lamp but the Sylvania instant start is a two lamp model wired for one lamp. Both ballasts aren't original, the original ballast was a cheesy Accupro two lamp instant ballast.