Located in Holyoke, MA. Holyoke seems to be back with the AEL models again. This just replaced a 250 watt HPS M-400A during the last week. These are my favorite fixtures used by HG&E and hopefully I'll see more of these used.
Holyoke briefly used 250 watt OVXs but most I've seen put up have already failed or cycled. The M-250A2s and 315s seem to last the longest out of all the fixtures used. Westfield uses 400 watt OVXs and they usually cycle in less than a year.
We don't use the OVX period. The OVX doesn't have a purpose IMO. If you want 200-400w drop lens, use the OVD. If you want 175w or lower, use the OVZ. The OVX is sort of like the "third wheel" in my view.
I've seen the OVZ and one or two OVH, but never a OVX here. The very few OVH i saw were all 100w HPS, while the OVZ was 50, 100, and 250w. Now we only use GE and very seldom do i see a OVZ.
OVX's and OVZ's are quite rare in NG territory but they have been used. The Only cooper lights I've seen on NU poles are the ones that the cities bought from the company and the city maintains the fixtures, like the LED lights in my fathers town.
This light barely made it over a year old. something that I now find odd is on the existing HPS fixtures still up is that the city are installing the Green LED PC's on fixtures. I saw a M-400A the other day with one.