BeHOLD! This is my 1940 GE Mazda Medium Pressure MV! It is NOS that I got from eBay! I powered this up once for a very short time works!
He meant back in the 30s this lamp set the standard for mercury lamps (voltage, etc) for the decades after. Also set the standard for American probe and pulse start metal halide lamps in 175w and higher.
Even $200 USD is Cheap for a 1940s/60s Lamp in the UK These 180 watt SOX Low Pressure Sodium Lamps go for £80 or about $130 USD and they are still used on Major Roads and Motorways, No Wonder our Corporation Taxes are so High, and why Lighting Authorities are swtching over to HPS lighting.
Yes they are the Same Voltage and Current to the 400w High Pressure Mercury Lamp, (130 volts 3.2 amps) they are the Predesessors before the Quartz Arc Tube Mercury lamps were developed.
Yes they are the Same Voltage and Current to the 400w High Pressure Mercury Lamp, (130 volts 3.2 amps) they are the Predesessors before the Quartz Arc Tube Mercury lamps were developed.
All the Best