I was browsing old archival photos of Toronto and found something interesting. In 1987 there was a pilot done by Metro to replace the then very common CGE signals (a few are still left) with a new European style signal.
Metro's old-style traffic lights (above) may give way to more modern ones (below) depending on the results of a test by roads officials. The new style of traffic light; being tested on Bay St. opposite Toronto City Hall; has a square outline; is compact and more modern.
Picture of pilot signal Picture of CGE signalNeedless to say the pilot failed as Toronto kept the CGEs and later switched to the conventional looking Fortrans and LFEs in the 2000s instead. I wonder what brand was the pilot signal though, it seems to have come in at least a 12-12-12 and 8-8-8 variant although strangely there were no visors or backboards. Anyway the pole pictured is at
Bay and Albert which currently has a 12-12-12 Fortran.