Here is a chart showing the lumen value of different HID lamps based on the average between manufactures, listed are the most common wattages.
Wattage - Lumens (Initial)
50 - 1,800
75 - 2,700
100 - 4,000
125 - 6,250
175 - 8,000
250 - 12,000
400 - 22,000
700 - 44,000
1kW - 58,000
18 - 1,800
35 - 4550
55 - 7800
90 - 14,300
135 - 22,600
180 - 32,000
35 - 2,500
50 - 4,000
70 - 6,300
100 - 9,500
150 - 16,000
200 - 22,000
250 - 29,000
310 - 37,000
400 - 50,000
430 - 53,000
600 - 90,000
750 - 110,000
1kW - 140,000
MH (probe start)
175 - 13,000
250 - 20,000
400 - 39,000
1kW - 110,000
1.5kW - 155,000
1.65kW - 177,000
32 - 2,400
50 - 3,400
70 - 5,600
100 - 9,000
150 - 13,000
200 - 20,000
250 - 25,000
320 - 30,000
350 - 35,000
400 - 40,000
750 - 80,000
1kW - 110,000