If you guys want a ton of fun......
Go Downtown Frederick....start
here Start where you are facing...go straight, and as you approach a Y shaped intersection...go right and be sure to go as many roads as possible in Down town Frederick. Be sure to visit main downtown roads such as South Street, East Street, Southern part of South Market Street and Northern part of North market street, most of the Patrick Street.
On E. Patrick Street, near North Market street...be sure to peek the walk in allies...there are some old old fixtures on the buildings. Let me know if you find them (there's a few allies with those!) and if you find them, tell me what they are and when you do, I will post pics of them that I already have! (hint as it's a bit hard to find..but look at the dark allies, you may see the first fixtures (and they are clamshell type, but can you find out what they are?
On E. Patrick Street turn around when you reach intersection of Monocacy Bvld. and go elsewhere for more goodies, suggestion, go to North East St and turn to East Church Street until you reach 5th st, turn back...
Be sure to visit Motter Ave., N. Bentz Street, 9th street
Dill Ave has a lot of older posttops (They are General Electrics by the way from what I saw on the cast iron poles!) Those are retrofitted with HPS though...used to be incandescent!
Recommended to visit South Jefferson St.
There are a lot more places I can't name or count, there's some neighborhoods with gumballs on the same style arms.......there's some roads I wanted to show but sadly doesn't have street view....but be sure to cover a lot of the DOWNTOWN Fredrick....spend hours on streetview in Frederick is a possibility
They are powered by Allegheny Power under Frederick Public Works! Most are already retrofitted with HPS lamps with MV ballasts or has remote HPS.....They are mostly connected in series not parallel!
Try to name all the clamshells (and cobraheads) you have seen on this nice ride!