Cooper OVW, Texas Edition.
Here are some better pictures of my lights from Dallas...
So I went to Dallas today, last week I got a couple new lights on ebay, a cooper OVW and an American Electric 115. I decided to just go down to Dallas to just pick them up at the place they were instead of having them shipped. Plus since I love the Dallas area and eventually want to move there, I just took the lights as an excuse to go down there because I already wanted a trip to Dallas before I move and I had two days off with the day prior an early shift and free hotel stays. So I decided to go. Originally, I just wanted to get the OVW, since I love Texas for being so unique, from road signs, to streetlights, to infrastructure too, I wanted the OVW. And I plan to keep it totally original. So I took a trip down to pick up the lights. Now here is the information on this picture:
Here is the Cooper OVW, Texas Edition. I got this from the same seller as the other one that Ryan got, and someone else on here got too... The price was 60 dollars for this baby and also I just wanted to get the light in Dallas instead of getting it shipped since Dallas isn't all too far from me. This was in a big warehouse, and when I got to the ramp the package was all ready for me to pick up at the door. Now it's in my car while I type this at my hotel in Mt. Pleasant. (I took the picture at a friend's lawn in Forney, Texas)
This light is cool, I will be able to take better pictures of it when I get home, I just cut the paper off cause I don't want it in there anyway, the only part of the light that I don't plan on keeping original. I need to rewire the ballast to get it to 240 volts so I can fire it up from time to time.
I don't want to replace the ballast though because I want this to be original, With the leveling bubble and everything.
The light itself came with a shorting cap, and the lamp as well. The date is 2006, I can't believe this is actually that old... Oh my.
I wonder why Texas DOT liked to special order these, in fact they special ordered everything I am sure, the GE Tigers I occasionally see, the new GE M-400 R2s... The M-400R3 sag lens and cuttoff, the Cooper OVY/OVF... Any of them really, I even saw some old AE model 25's with a bubble on it kinda like this but older on TXDOT truss arms.. beats me.
Overall this is a great light, and with the love I have for the uniqueness of the state of Texas, This is a nice addition. Not to mention on the way to pick this up and on the way back I saw these littered on truss arms on the freeways in the state, hehe.
Ryan has one of these and I remember him saying how well-built these things were. Too bad it's such a far drive for me or I'd grab one and find a drop lens for it, add a PC socket, paint it silver and swap the ballast out for a 400 MH/MV!
I'm also amazed this had threaded rods with nuts instead of just using bolts for the slipfitter. Just like the Westinghouse fixtures!
And yeah, I have been talking to him about it, The seller does ship still, he just has it listed at a different option. You would have to see, here is the listing:
It already has a PC socket installed, it came with it. The package came with a shorting cap. I guess Texas liked to keep it to have the socket in case of rural areas (which do exist plentiful in that huge state) where they don't use relays for their state lights, or traffic signals, cause I don't think they use relays for the traffic signals, so they order them all alike with the two different voltages depending on where it's located and with a shorting cap and a PC socket in case they need one installed in a place without the need for a single PC relay for multiple lights.
I am keeping this mostly original, as I explained in the post, they are unique, and I like how they are. Maybe if I get a second one I could do that but that is not in the agenda right now, I am running out of space, heh
The reflector is mounted by two bracket, and they have sheet metal riveted onto an ordinary OVD/OVF/OVY reflector around the perimiter of the reflector, and the gasket is on that sheet metal and the sheet metal is screwed onto the brackets.
I compared this light to the Canadian OV-25 Darren has and the castings of the door and top housing are exactly the same, identical. From what I saw. Screws were in the same place, same slip fitter configuration, and stuff.
I also wonder if the "OVW" designation.. I kind of wonder if that was only for the texas lights or what, cause on that link above, I only see the OVW designations on the list up there and on the interstates I see plenty of OVF's on the highways there, so I wonder if the older ones were the OV-25 bodies and then the newer ones they used the OVF housings? I kinda wonder that to be honest...
I wouldn't mind seeing a TXDOT OVF uo close, to compare from a normal OVF, cause I am sure the TXDOT OVF will be just as sophisticated as this light...