My Silver M-400, well, my M-400 for now...
This is for my friend Marco who gave me the OV-10IB and the OVC. He was looking for an M-400 to go with his OV-25 silverliners and this right here is a beautiful fixture!
And unlike most of the fixtures used around here, this one is 120V! Not 240V! Actually I think the ballast is a 120/240V ballast but the nameplate only says 120V. Anyway, this needs a capacitor but there's no indication as to what that capacitor rating is. :-( So even though it's 120V I can't fire it up. I'll have to ask Joe if he ever recorded the capacitor ratings on these units.
BTW, the reason the door looks warped is because it's not shut all the way. I only shut it for the pic since this light is a royal pain in the you-know-what to open up. My M-250R is much easier to open.