My General Electric M-400 (1973)
Angle Shot of the M-40099 viewsMike
M-400 Mounted Outside84 viewsMike
Side Shot of the 1963 M-40073 viewsMike
1963 M-400 Warming Up121 viewsMike
1963 M-400 Lit with a Clear Norelco lamp67 viewsMike
1963 M-400 Lit with a Clear Norelco lamp58 viewsMike
Shot of the 1963 M-400's Guts92 viewsMike
1963 M-400 With Glass Lens Removed.52 viewsMike
1963 M-400 Starting Up With a GE BT37 400W /DX102 viewsMike
My Silver M-400, well, my M-400 for now...79 viewsMike
My General Electric M-40098 viewsMike
My GE M-400 outside139 viewsMike